Notebook of A., 2018. English. Risograph printed, 60 pages. 18 x 12 cm. Published by L'Opuscule. Presented at Tramway, Glasgow at the Future Currents conference organised by The Doing Group.

A. is an ethnomusicologist stranded in modernity. This book presents A.'s notes, speculations, reflections, and fieldwork on the practice of exotica.

Available from L'Opuscule.

Knowledge by Other Means, 2020. English and French. Cover screenprinted on marbled paper, images and texts laser printed, 56 pages. 26 x 20 cm. Published by L'Opuscule. Presented at Mucem, Marseille at the Muséographies alternatives seminar organised by Pierre Singaravélou, Camille Faucourt, and Fabrice Argounès. Includes the essay Knowledge by Other Means: Notes on Marseille, Urbanism, Allegory, and Metonymy and a photographic series entitled Curtains.

The essay and photographic series examine the magical thinking of urbanism in Marseille through an exploration of its material realisations and the material history of the Expositions Coloniales.
L'essai et la série photographique examinent la pensée magique de l'urbanisme à Marseille à travers une exploration de ses réalisations matérielles et l'histoire matérielle des Expositions Coloniales.

This photographic series was produced from images in the publication Constructions édifiées à l’Exposition Nationale Coloniale de Marseille 1922 by Eugène Pollet, the former ‘entrepreneur général de travaux publics’.
Cette série de photographies a été produite à partir d’images reproduites dans l’ouvrage Constructions édifiées à l’Exposition Nationale Coloniale de Marseille 1922 d’Eugène Pollet, ancien entrepreneur général de travaux publics.

I am interested in the materiality of the image: this work consists largely of the magnification of hidden details, the texture of film, the photographic grain. The framing element of the magnifying lens displays my gesture.
Je m’intéresse à la matérialité de l’image: ce travail consiste largement du grossissement des détails cachés, mais aussi sur la texture particulière de la pellicule, le grain photographique. Le cadrage d'une loupe montre mon geste.

The images of ears in this series recall perhaps racial typologies, but this is evidently not a proposition towards a new typology; it is rather an attempt to capture the process of observation. These ears are ‘à l’écoute du vide’, listening to the void; at the centre of these images, one finds the magnification of dust, of the photographic grain.
Les images d’oreilles dans cette série rappellent peut-être les typologies des races humaines, mais ce n’est évidemment pas la proposition d’une nouvelle typologie; c’est plutôt une tentative de capter le processus d’observation. Ces oreilles sont à l'écoute du vide; au centre de l’image, on trouve le grossissement de la poussière, du grain photographique.

Available from L'Opuscule.

Song Cycle, 2016. Art book illustrated by Kate Timney and published by Beaumont Press, launched 28 January 2016 at The Old Hairdresser's, Glasgow.
A collection of visual essays and poems written between 2013-2015, influenced by Ciaran Carson and 'conceptual writing'. Some of the poems previously appeared in publications by the Poetry Book Society and Northern Renewal. Funded by Ideastap and Arts Council England. If you would like a copy, you can purchase one from Good Press in Glasgow.