Crystallisation #1, 2022. Scagliola (plaster), pigments, oil. 52 x 37 cm.
A series of works exploring crystallisation: crystallisation as encoded memory, the development of intimate reflection, an object which disappears into itself, drawing upon a poem by Christian Bök:
A crystal is nothing more / than a breeze blowing sand / into the form of a castle / or a film played backwards / of a window being smashed.
Une série d’œuvres qui explorent la cristallisation : la cristallisation comme mémoire encodée, le développement d’une réflexion intime, un objet qui disparaît en lui-même, s’inspirant d’un poème de Christian Bök :
Un cristal n’est rien de plus / qu’une brise soufflant du sable / dans la forme d’un château / ou un film passé à l’envers / d’une fenêtre que l’on brise.

Crystallisation #2, 2022. Scagliola (plaster), pigments, oil. 52 x 37 cm.

Crystallisation #3, 2022. Scagliola (plaster), pigments, oil. 52 x 37 cm.
Holiday, 2022. Scagliola (plaster), pigments, oil. 50 x 98 cm.

Plan for an equestrian statue, 2021. Scagliola (plaster), pigments, oil. 15.5 x 24 cm.
A series of architectural drawings in scagliola. They are utopian, ironic, and parodic works, proposing constructions of buildings, statues, and monuments identifiable only by their shadows and traces. The rich marble surface is a citation, a trompe-l’oeil.
Une série de dessins architecturaux en scagliola. Il s’agit d’oeuvres utopiques, ironiques et parodiques, proposant des constructions de bâtiments, de statues et de monuments identifiables uniquement par leurs ombres et leurs traces. La riche surface de marbre est une citation, un trompe-l’oeil.

Plan for an iconic national monument, 2021. Scagliola (plaster), pigments, oil. 15.5 x 24 cm.

Plan for a statue with false trumpet, 2021. Scagliola (plaster), pigments, oil. 25.5 x 34 cm.

Details of Plan for a statue with false trumpet.

Plan for a high rise with flying buttresses, 2021. Scagliola (plaster), pigments, oil. 15.5 x 24 cm.

Plan for an obelisk, 2021. Scagliola (plaster), pigments, oil. 15.5 x 24 cm.

Plan for a border, 2021. Scagliola (plaster), pigments, oil. 15.5 x 24 cm.